Linux is a popular Operating System, that is widely used for web servers, due to the fact it offers a range of advantages over other OSs. It's regarded as being the most solid Operating system these days and due to the way it functions, infected files shall simply not work. As Linux is free to use, no license fees shall be included to the price which you'll have to pay for your web hosting service. That, subsequently, makes it possible for the provider to customize the Operating system according to what they and their clients need, getting rid of unnecessary packages to boost the Operating system and the server’s overall performance. Linux servers typically come with the Apache server software, which processes Internet site access requests. Apache is furthermore totally free and easy to customize, not to mention that it's very quick and light with regard to the system resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment that a number of the most well-known script apps require – WordPress, Moodle, Joomla, and so forth. The LAMP configuration is the most traditionally used one worldwide, since it's stable and simple to maintain.

Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Website Hosting

The cloud website hosting accounts we provide are created on our cutting-edge personalized cloud website hosting platform. Independent clusters of servers are used to handle every single part of the web hosting service, including e-mails, databases and so forth. All of our servers run Linux. The latter has been customized as a way to ensure that we can provide a stable hosting service without wasting resources. We use the highly effective Apache web server and we even have an entire cluster for it, so all HTTP requests between visitors and your websites will be addressed without delay. You shall be able to use a wide variety of languages for your Internet sites – HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, Python, etc., and you'll not have to concern yourself with protection or reliability problems at any time.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server accounts are set up on a cutting-edge specialized platform. An individual group of servers deals with each service - databases, e-mail messages, files, and so forth., and because we highly prize the benefits of a custom-made, secure and stable Operating System, all of the web servers that make up the groups run Linux. The OS enables us to make the required changes, not to mention the higher speed, as just one type of process runs on the web server, unlike the typical hosting platform made available from most companies where everything runs on a single machine. Moreover, we use the Apache web server as well. We've tested its capabilities over time, so we've confirmed that it will give us as a provider and you as a client the needed speed and adaptability for the best achievable site performance.