Monthly Traffic in Cloud Website Hosting
All our Linux cloud website hosting services are ideal for any type of small to medium-sized web site or even a larger number of websites. Considering that you can host a lot of domains using a single account, we've designed the plans in a way so as to provide you with all features you will need. No matter if you run a private portfolio web site or an eCommerce web site, our monthly site traffic allowance that your website can use will not be a holdback. Thus, you will have the opportunity to broaden your online presence and have a large number of new visitors without worrying about getting to a cap. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel offers you detailed info about the traffic usage to and from your account, which will enable you to take care of your web sites and your account more effectively. You are able to check hourly, daily and monthly figures, the traffic generated by each individual domain and by the account altogether, the most downloaded files, etc.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The monthly site traffic feature of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting is unrestricted, or as many companies describe it, unmetered. Of course, we keep track of the amount of uploaded and downloaded content for each and every account, still we won't set any restriction, which means that your sites can grow and get more visitors. We provide you with in-depth information what is going on in your account in order to allow you to handle your websites better and to have an idea how they perform. You're able to view the traffic produced by each website plus the most frequently downloaded webpage or file. The results are monthly, daily and hourly. In the continually evolving online world, you're able to get a significant number of new website visitors with just one marketing campaign, that's why by supplying a truly unlimited package, we will ensure that you do not lose customers for the reason that your account cannot take care of the traffic.
Monthly Traffic in VPS
With each virtual private server plan that you can find here, we offer a different monthly website traffic quota that depends on how powerful the server is. Thus, we are able to keep our lower-end packages less expensive and give you a chance to pick the package you need based on your budget and your resource needs. Updating from one plan to another is really simple and usually takes just a couple of mouse-clicks in your VPS billing Control Panel, therefore if you start to get more website visitors at some point soon so you need a larger traffic allowance, you'll be able to move to a greater plan anytime. We will inform you when you reach 90% of your monthly quota, hence you'll have enough time either to upgrade or to optimize your websites, to reduce the outbound traffic. The VPS plans also include a server administration panel where you can see what amount of site traffic has already been used for the present month and what amount is left up till you reach the allowance limit.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting
Using a dedicated server, you will have a very efficient website hosting tool at your disposal and the website traffic allowance that you will get suits all the other features. Your server will be able to generate terabytes of traffic every month, so irrespective of the type or number of websites that you host, you will never need to worry for them being unavailable because of insufficient website traffic. To be on the safe side however, we'll give you the opportunity to upgrade this feature if needed. We will notify you in advance if you get close to the restriction, so that you'll have the time to upgrade or reduce your website traffic by optimizing your data to avoid any disruption of the work of your web sites. You are able to monitor the consumed and remaining site traffic for the present month via the management panel that we provide. The info there features all of the incoming and outgoing transfers, like software installations and updates. In comparison, a hosting Control Panel provides more detailed data, but only for the site traffic to and from a web host account, not your server altogether.