Memcached in Cloud Website Hosting
The Memcached content caching system is offered as an upgrade with each Linux cloud website hosting service offered by our company and you will be able to start using it as soon as you enable it, as the PHP extension that it needs so as to function correctly is pre-installed on our avant-garde cloud platform. You can request the upgrade from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes bundled with each and every shared hosting plan and a new section where you can administer Memcached will show up. The upgrade is divided into two parts – the number of instances and the amount of system memory, so as to give you more flexibility. The first one refers to the number of the websites that can use the Memcached caching system, while the second one, which is offered in increments of 16 megabytes, determines the maximum size of the content that the system can cache. A regularly visited site with a large-sized database may need more memory in order to take an even greater advantage of the Memcached caching system, so in case you want to upgrade this feature, you’ll be able to do it at any point with several mouse clicks.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you order any of our semi-dedicated server plans, you will find Memcached as an optional feature in the Upgrades part of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so if you would like to use it for any of the sites hosted in the account, you can add it with only a couple of clicks. The memory caching platform is perfect for any script-based web application such as WordPress, Joomla™, or even a tailor-made app, and based on your needs, you will be able to choose two separate things – how many websites will use the Memcached platform, in other words – the number of instances; and how much data will be cached, i.e. the amount of memory that the platform will employ. The two things are not bound to each other, so if you run a traffic-hungry Internet site with lots of data, you can order one instance and a large amount of system memory. The Memcached platform will improve the performance of your websites shortly after you activate it and both you and your site visitors will enjoy better loading times.
Memcached in VPS
You’ll get Memcached with any of the virtual private server plans that we’re offering if you choose Hepsia as your Control Panel and you’ll be able to activate the distributed memory object caching platform via the section with the same name. The configuration requires a couple of clicks and you’ll see the difference in the overall performance of your sites almost instantly. The amount of system memory that the Memcached caching platform can take advantage of to store content depends on the given Virtual Private Server hosting plan that you’ve selected, but at any rate it will not be less than several hundred MB, which is more than enough even for several resource-consuming Internet sites. You can use Memcached with websites powered by Joomla™, WordPress or any other software application and decrease the load on your VPS, which will allow you to keep using the current VPS hosting plan rather than switching to a more powerful one, since you will simply not need it. Memcached is already being used by popular websites such as Zynga, Wikipedia and Reddit, which shows its efficiency.
Memcached in Dedicated Hosting
You can unleash the full potential of Memcached with each dedicated server that we offer in case you select Hepsia as your hosting Control Panel. A special section in it is dedicated to the memory caching system and you can start using Memcached for any site hosted on the server with just several mouse clicks. You can accelerate the performance of any website, irrespective of what script-based application you are using or how large the Internet site is, as the minimum amount of memory that Memcached will be able to use is 3 GB and this amount increases tremendously with the higher-end servers. Soon after the caching system is activated, it will start caching info anytime somebody visits your site, so, once sufficient content has been cached, you will perceive the lowered load on the dedicated machine and the improved overall performance of the website. The Memcached system is used by a lot of sites, among them popular portals like Zynga, Reddit and Wikipedia, which confirms the effectiveness of the Memcached system.